Step 1.Go to product page and click “ADD TO CART”
Step2. Click "CONTINUE SHOPPING" if you want to buy more.Otherwise,click"CONTINUE CHECKOUT"
Step 3. Please log onto your account and continue checkout if you have an account.
Otherwise,please register an account then continue checkout or checkout anonymously.
A.Register an account then continue checkout
1st.Input required information and click "Create Your Account"
2nd.Input shipping address and click"CONTINUE CHECKOUT"
B.Checkout Anonymously
Input shipping address and click "CONTINUE CHECKOUT"
Step 4. Check"Shopping Bag"and "Shipping Address",select "Payment Method",then click"Place Order"
A.Pay by Stripe Payment Gateway(Accept payment by Visa,Mastercard and American Express)
Click"Pay with Card",then input your Email,Card Number,expired Month/Year,CVC,then Click the "Pay"button.
B.Pay by Western Union/Bank
Please send payment to our account and forward us required information when you pay.